January7th Annual Winter Rod and Speed Show is Saturday, January 5, 2013 from 9 am to 7 pm located at the Linn County Fair and EXPO Center, Albany, Oregon. The women's luncheon will be at Rosie’s Dinner in Richland, at 1 pm, on January 10th, to be hosted by Ginger Vetrano. Please RSVP her at 783-9205. Pizza Party! Round Table Pizza on the corner of Gage and Leslie in Kennewick. January 24th starting at 6PM. Discount. FebruaryChocolate extravaganza at the Vetrano's home on 4512 W. Yellowstone Ave., Kenn., February 15, 7-9PM. Bring chocolate dessert or candy. Beverages available. MarchSt. Patrick's Day Cruz-in, March 16, 8AM-3PM, Heppner, OR. $20 registration fee, or $15 in advance. Vehicles will be parked and displayed on "Willow Street" between Heppner Family Foods and St. Patrick's Senior Center. We will caravan to Heppner on the 17th, meeting at the Kennewick Flashcube building at 8:30AM. Sunnyside annual high school show and shine fundraiser, March 23rd, 10:30AM, Clem Senn football field. AprilPortland Swap Meet, Expo Center, April 5 to April 7, 7am-7pm Fri, 7am-5pm Sat, 8am-1pm Sun. Admission 12yrs and over is $7/day Fri. - Sat., $4 Sun. Ladies free. Apple Driving & Picnic Tour to Broetje Orchards located between Burbank and Prescott. April 24th. Meet at 1110 Osprey Pointe Blvd. and E. Ainsworth St. at 10AM. Myrtle has sub sandwiches and apple cake, Deb will have banana cake, and Dolores will provide coffee. Kiona Winery Visit, April 25, 1PM. Meet in the Sterlings parking lot at noon to caravan. Croissant sandwiches, cheese, crackers, bottle water and wine will be provided on the deck. It's suggested chairs be brought in case there aren't enough. Benton City Show & Shine, April 27th. Kiona-Benton City Middle School. Registration starts at 7AM, opens at 9AM, flag raising at 10AM, awards ceremony at 2:30PM. A pancake and sausage breakfast is available for $5. Vehicle registration is $20. MayAnnual YOCC Swap Meet on May 4th. Contact Ron Smith at 628-9662. Walla Walla Balloon Stampede, Car and Cycle Show, Saturday May 11th, Fairgrounds, 10AM-4PM. Classy Chassy Show & Shine, Saturday May 11th, Downtown Kennewick, 8AM-4PM. See photos. Life Care Center, 7th and Olympia, Kennewick, May 15th, 11AM - 3PM. Contact Laura Cruz, 586-9185, for more information. Waitsburg Car Show, May 17-18, 8AM - 3PM, Preston Park. Monroe Swap Meet, Evergreen Fairgrounds, May 18-19, 8AM-5PM. Info 800-645-4997. Reservations (425) 392-3613, Chuck McLeod. American Reflections car show, May 19, 9AM - 3PM, Rivard Rd., Moxee park, hwy 24. Canyon Lakes Manor lunch, May 24th, Noon-2PM, 2802 W 35th Ave. Contact Joe Green, 396-2028, for more information. Moses Lake Spring Festival Car Show, May 25th, 8AM-3PM, 3rd Ave. and Dogwood. Ki-Be all school reunion picnic and car show, May 25th, 10AM-3PM, Benton City Community Center. Pacific Northwest Mustang Club show and shine, May 26th, 9AM - 3PM, Howard Amon Park, Richland. JunePendleton Old Iron Show, June 1-2 at 1205 SW Court Ave., Roy Raley Park next to the rodeo grounds. Lunch and dinner provided to exhibitors. Free admission. Kahlotus Days Car Show, June 1. Registration 9AM, parade at 10AM, judging 11:30, awards 2PM. For pre-registration and more details, see brochure.
Joseph Days Oregon Mountain Cruise Car Show in Joseph, OR, June 7-8. Ye Olde Car Club 50th Anniversary Car Show and Round Nevada Classic Car Tour, June 8, 3-9PM, Columbia Park East. Check in is at 2:30, donation only. Richland Gardens Retirement Center, June 14th, 11AM. Contact Kathy Stoltz, 551-7232, for more information. All Wheels Weekend, June 14-16, Dayton, WA. Hogs and Dogs, June 20, Bombing Range Sports Complex, West Richland. Cool Desert Nights, Richland, June 20-22th. Meet at the Williams St. HAPO parking lot Sat. June 22 at 6:30AM. July
Chenowith House, July 5th, 11:30-1PM, 1108 W 5th Ave., Kennewick. Royal Columbia Ice Cream Social, July 11th, 6PM, 5615 W. Umatilla Ave., Kennewick. Tri-Cities Retreads Car Show, July 20, 1600 Burden Blvd. Pasco. For more information call 366-4077. Sock Hop, July 20, 6-9PM, Rosy’s Ice Cream & Diner, 404 Bradley Blvd. Richland. Pictures 15th Annual Orphan and Discontinued Car Show, July 21st, 9AM-3PM, Awards Ceremony at 2PM, Country Village, Bothell, WA. Guardian Angel Luncheon, July 25th, 11-2PM, 245 Van Giesen St., Richland. Brooks, Oregon Steam-Up. July 27-28 & August 3-4, 7AM - 6PM. $10 entry ($8 seniors). Demos, parade, music, food. Camping available. Priest River Timber Days. July 26th, 6AM - 10PM. Priest River City Park. Parade, Logging Competitions, Arts & Crafts Booths, Kid Games. Food, Show & Shine Car Show, Family Dance, Lawnmower Races & more. For info call (208) 448-2721. AugustA Vintage Affair antiques and car show, August 5, 9AM-4PM, 4 Seasons River Inn on Griffin Rd, Prosser. Food and drinks available c/o Hog Heaven BBQ catering. More info. at 509-786-3177. Hot Desert Nights at Desert Aire, August 3rd. 6th Annual Show & Shine for Hunger, August 11, 11AM - 4PM at Columbia Park. $15 entrance fee. Grandview Chamber of Commerce Car Show, August 10 (tentative), 10AM - 4PM, Country Park Fair Grounds, 812 Wallace Way. $20 entrance fee. Free Yakima Valley Fair tickets. Tri-Cities Retirement Inn. August 16th, 11AM - 1PM, 2000 N 22nd Ave., Pasco. Picture. Participants. Benton Franklin County Fair Parade, August 17th, 10AM, Kennewick, on 1st/4th Ave. in the school parking lot. Judging is at 8:15am. Picnic lunch after the parade at Phil & Dolly Prather's home. Picture. B-F Fair Car Show in the grass VIP area, August 20th, noon. Meet in the Mountains Orphan Car Show, August 24th, 10AM - 4PM, Leavenworth, WA. No entry fee. Prosser VFW Car and Bike Show, August 24th, 10AM - 2PM, Prosser VFW. Call Max Mohar at 882-3722 for more information. Pictures. 35th Annual LeMay Car Show with Auction and Swap Meet, August 31st, 9AM - 5PM. Tour the LeMay family estate. The lodging location is the Best Western Tacoma Dome Hotel, with 15 rooms blocked out by Ye Olde Car Club. Make reservations by calling 1-800-973-7110 by August 12th. Those caravanning will be meeting at the Conoco station in Kiona / Benton City August 29th. Sixth annual Bickleton Car Show, July 31st, 9AM-4PM, $10 entry. 25% discount entry at Alder Creek Pioneer Carousel Museum. SeptemberStates Day Parade in Prosser, Sept. 2nd, 8AM-10PM. Judging is at 8:30am. The parade starts at 10am. Warden Classic Car and Bike Show, Sept. 7th , 10AM-4PM, Warden, WA Volunteer Park. Port of Sunnyside Sun Shine Car Show, Sept. 13th, 8AM - noon. Paw's for Cause Show and Shine, Sept. 15th, 11AM - 3PM at 1420 Jadwin, Richland. Goldendale Festival of Wheels, Sept. 21st, 9AM on Main Street. $10 Sacajawea Heritage Days, Sept. 28, Sacajawea Park. OctoberMaryhill Museum Car Show. Concours de Maryhill. October 5 - 6th, 10AM-4PM. Dinner. Athena's Fall Festival Car Show, Chili feed, Music, Vendors, Arts & Crafts. Athena, OR, Main St. Saturday, Oct 5th 9:00am-3:00pm. Cure Kids Cancer Car Show fundraiser, October 12th, noon to 4PM at City Church, 4623 W. 10th Ave., Kennewick. Pictures 45th Annual Monroe Swap Meet, October 12, 8AM-5PM and October 13, 8AM-3PM, Monroe, WA, Evergreen Fairgrounds. Time Of Remembrance fundraiser car show, October 20th, 11AM - 3PM, 1604 Smitty's Blvd., Ritzville. Valley Car Run Show. Zillah, October 20th, Noon to 4PM. Charbonneau Retirement Luncheon, October 24th from noon to 3PM at 8264 W. Grandridge Blvd., Kennewick. CHREST Museum Cemetery on Williams, Richland, north of HAPO. October 26, 1-4PM. -CANCELLED- NovemberVeterans Day Parade, November 9th, 9:30AM. Staging begins at 8:00AM on Van Giesen between 62nd St. and Grosscup Rd. in West Richland at the Benton REA Community Room. Closing ceremony at Flat Top park. Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner, November 11th, 5-8PM Tri-Tech 5929 Metaline, Kennewick. DecemberThe annual Christmas party is Dec. 16, 5PM, at The Country Gentleman, Kennewick. This is also an election meeting. Bring a <$10 gift to participate in the gift exchange. |