JanuaryPizza Party, January 26, 6PM at the new Roundtable Pizza, 1769 Leslie Road. Door prizes. FebruaryChocolate Tasting and Exchange, Feb. 10, 7PM at 4512 W. Yellowstone, Kenn., hosted by Jim and Ginger Vetrano. BYOC = Bring your own chocolate to share, as well as recipies. MarchThe annual Freeze Your Fanny Tour hosted by the Three Rivers Model "T" club, March 11 - 12 to Boardman, OR. Registration deadline is Feb. 1. Contact Bill Sheller at 1-541-922-4747 for details and Fred Fraser for the forms, 946-9850. St. Patrick's Day in Heppner, OR, March 18th, leaving the Home Depot parking lot on Hwy 395 in Kennewick at 8AM. Lots of food and a parade. Contact Martha Schreve at 582-7530. A dinner and hobby night will be held at 7900 W. Court St on Thursday March 23 at 6:15. Contact Denny and Karla Jackson for more information. AprilSunnyside tour via the Old Inland Empire Highway, April 1, leaving the Benton City park and ride (at the Conoco Station) at 9AM. Contact Cyndy Underwood at 946-4414. Portland Swap Meet, Expo Center, April 7 to April 9, 7am-7pm Fri-Sat, 8am-1pm Sun. Drive to East Benton Historical Museum Thursday April 13th. The plan is to meet for lunch across the street at the Kennewick Senior Center at 11:30. Cost is $3.50 and a reservation needs to be made two days in advance by calling 585-4303. MayAnnual Swap Meet on May 8th. JuneLocal tour on June 15th at 10AM starting at the antique mall on Columbia Drive, Kennewick. Picnic in the park at Howard Amon, June 22nd, 6PM near the north boat launch. Cool Desert Nights, Richland, June 23-25 July
AugustShow your cars to the residents of Manor at Canyon Lakes August 7th at 1PM. Call 582-7530 for more information. Benton Franklin County Fair Parade, August 19th, 9am, Kennewick, on 1st/4th Ave. in the school parking lot next to Food Pavilion. Lunch at McClary's afterwards. Harold LeMay Car Show & Open House, Marymount, August 26th, Tacoma.
SeptemberStates Day Parade in Prosser. Sept. 4th. Meet at the gas station at the Benton City exit on I-82 at 8:00am. Judging is at 9am. The parade starts at 10am. Afterwards, lunch will be served at The Red Barn for lunch -- hamburgers and drink for $6, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. Contact Cyndy Underwood @ 946-4414, afternoons or evenings. Tampico Days Parade Sept. 18. Contact Dale Henson @ 509-965-9509 for details. Display your car at the Country Nesters Market Place Antiques & Collectible Show Sept. 23, 9AM-4PM at Howard Amon Park, Richland. There will be food, snacks, drinks, treasure hunting and live entertainment. OctoberWalnut Fest October 7th at 3011 Birch Road, Pasco. There will be a 9AM gathering at Sudrey Simmelink's, 3101 Canal Ave. in Kennewick, to tour to the event, which starts at noon. There will be hot food and live music. Bring a container to pick nuts. Ladies Tea at Jane Armstrong's, October 21 at noon. Bring tea goodies, finger sandwiches, scones, fruit, vegetables, etc. Tea, lemon curd and Devonshire cream will be provided. Wear a hat and gloves. RSVP 627-2954 or 946-9850. NovemberVeterans Day Parade, November 11th, 9:30AM. Staging begins at 7:30AM on Van Giesen between 62nd St. and Grosscup Rd. in West Richland. Closing ceremony at Flat Top park. Chili feed. Potluck dinner and movie night November 14th, 6PM, 7900 W. Court St. at Kings Point School and Westside Church. A business meeting follows dinner. DecemberThe annual Christmas party will be held at Tony Roma's on Gage Blvd., Monday December 18th, 6PM. Please bring a white elephant gift. Elections to follow. |