JanuaryA January dinner meeting will include a presentation by Audrey Simmelink of her trip to Egypt. Meet at Roy's Chuckwagon on the 28th at 6pm. FebruaryA night of chocolate at Jim & Ginger Vetrano's on the 12th. Bring your favorite chocolate dish and recipe. MarchThe annual Freeze Your Fanny Tour hosted by the Three Rivers Model "T" club, March 12, 10AM at the Pasco Red Lion. Contact Bill Sheller at 1-541-922-4747 for details. "Wee bit of Ireland", Heppner, Oregon, March 18-20. St. Patty's Cruz-in on the 19th, 10AM-4PM. Parade at 1PM. Contact Martha Schreve, 582-7530, for more information. AprilPortland Swap Meet, PIR, March 31 to April 3, Noon-5pm Thurs, 7am-5pm Fri-Sun. Portland Swap Meet, Expo Center, April 1 to April 3, 7am-7pm Fri-Sat, 8am-1pm Sun. MayAnnual Swap Meet on May 7th. Richland High School Family History Night, May 31. JuneBring your cars and visit with the residents of Manor on Canyon Lake June 10th, 2pm. Some would like to enjoy rides. Contact Martha Schreve for more information. Red Mountain Round-up Antique Truck and Power Show, June 11 (9-5) & 12 (9-noon). Cool Desert Nights, Richland, June 23-25 July
Mystery Party Night at Roy's Western Smorgy on July 15, 5:30 - 8:30PM. Surprises in store!
AugustBenton Franklin County Fair Parade, August 20th, 9am, Kennewick, on 1st/4th Ave. in the school parking lot next to Food Pavilion. Lunch at McClary's afterwards. Harold LeMay Car Show & Open House, Marymount, August 27th, Tacoma. Ice Cream Social at Fort Walla Walla, August 28. Meet at the Red Lion parking lot at 8AM. SeptemberStates Day Parade in Prosser. Sept. 5th. Meet at the gas station at the Benton City exit on I-82 at 7:20am. Judging is at 8am. The parade starts at 10am. Afterwards, lunch will be served at The Red Barn for lunch -- hamburgers and drink for $6, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. Contact Cyndy Underwood @ 946-4414, afternoons or evenings. Tampico Days Parade Sept. 17. Contact Dale Henson @ 509-965-9509 for details. Toppenish Train Trip Sept. 17. Includes Mural tour, Yakima Indian museum and other activities. The Yakima club will be participating as well. Meet at the flashcube building before 8am. Contact Roy Holmes @ 582-9049 to RSVP (by Sept. 10) and for more information. Senior Picnic Sept. 22, tentatively at the Howard Amon Community Center. Contact Ed Edwards @ 967-9361 for more information. OctoberCovered bridge Fall Foliage tour. Contact Dennis and Karla Jackson for more information. November
DecemberBingo night, December 9. The annual Christmas party is being held on December 17 at Roy's Chuckwagon. There will be a gift exchange. Please bring a wrapped gift worth up to $10. Unwrapped childrens toys may also be brought for donation to charity. |