JanuaryThe January meeting is planned to be a hobby night. (It has to fit through the door.) More info to come. An All Auto swap meet is at the Washington County Fairplex in Hillsboro, OR January 3rd. 8am - 2pm. Admission free. FebruaryFriday the 13th @ 6PM, a Valentine's dinner and monthly meeting will be held at the Spaghetti Establishment in midtown plaza on 4th Street in Kennewick. Please call Martha at 582-7530 to let her know if you're coming so she can provide a head count. An All Auto swap meet is at the Clark County Fairgrounds in Vancouver, WA on February 28th. 8am - 2pm. Admission free. MarchOn March 13 & 14, the annual Freeze Your Fanny Tour is set to tour the Hotel Condon, a 1920's structure restored to it's past elegance. This tour is hosted by the Three Rivers Model "T" club. Contact Bill Sheller at 1-541-922-4747 for details. Hotel reservations must be made prior to January 31. AprilPortland Swap Meet, PIR, April 1-4, Noon-5pm Thurs, 7am-5pm Fri-Sun. Portland Swap Meet, Expo Center, April 2-4, 7am-7pm Fri-Sat, 8am-1pm Sat. A garage tour is being planned by Bob and Delores McClary April 17. It starts with breakfast at their place (5624 W. 8th, Kennewick) from 8:30 to 9:30, then to Jim Stafford's, the Underwoods, Ed Edwards, Bud Williams, lunch at WECO with Wayne Williams, Joe Kuhns, Shreve's and lastly the Yale's. April 24 is planned a day trip to Eagle Crest Lodge for lunch. Contact Bob and Alice Rupp at 586-9731 for details. MayAnnual Swap Meet on May 1st. Kennewick Centennial Celebration at the Coliseum May 13th and 20th. Cars will be put on display. JuneA day tour to Joseph Oregon is being planned by Bob and Alice Rupp. Details to follow. Cars are needed June 12th 2-6pm at the fairgrounds for the Kennewick High reunion. Enter from the East gate. July
A get-together is planned for "The Barn" by Bud Williams and Joe Kuhns. Details to follow. AugustBenton Franklin County Fair Parade, August 21th, 9am, Kennewick, on 1st/4th Ave. in the school parking lot next to Food Pavilion. Lunch at Yale's afterwards. Ice Cream Social at Fort Walla Walla, August 22. Meet at the Red Lion parking lot at 8AM. Contact Dennis for details @ 547-0916. Harold LeMay Car Show & Open House, August 28, Tacoma. SeptemberStates Day Parade in Prosser. Sept. 6th. Meet at the gas station at the Benton City exit on I-82 at 7:30am. The parade starts at 10am. Centennial Reliability Tour - Brass Autos in Ritzville, Sept. 13th. Leaving the Pasco Red Lion at 3pm for the drive to Ritzville. Pictures Tampico Days Parade Sept. 18. Contact Dale Henson @ 509-965-9509 for details. All Senior Picnic at TRAC Sept. 28. Lots of cars are needed. OctoberA day trip to Lehman Hot Springs with bar-b-que is being planned by Bob & Delores McClary. Halloween party at the McClary's October 30th at 6pm. Bring a decorated pumpkin, a pie, and come in costume. Contact Martha Shreve, 582-7530, or Delores McClary, 783-3622, for RSVP, ASAP. NovemberApple Squeezin' trip at Vern and Martha Shreve's. Call Martha for details @ 582-7530. A Veterans Parade showing is being planned by Ed Edwards. Details to follow. DecemberThe annual Christmas party is being held on December 18 at Roy's Chuckwagon. There will be a gift exchange. Please bring a wrapped gift worth up to $10. Unwrapped childrens toys may also be brought for donation to charity. |