MarchThe Freeze Your Fanny Tour is the 15th of March. We will be meeting at the Flash Cube Building in Kennewick at 9am with a departure time of 9:30am. Our eventual destination will be Pendleton where we will visit the Underground.
AprilOn April 20th 2002, we will be touring to Yakima to visit the garages of Gil Linden and Russ Duffield. It should be a fun tour as Gil and Russ have lots of “stuff”. And we all know “stuff” is good!!! We will assemble at the Flash Cube Building at 8:30 and leave at 9:00am sharp. It will be a fairly long trip for one day so we need to leave on time. This is the time for apple blossoms and should be a beautiful drive up and back. We plan to arrive for lunch at Miners in Union Gap around noon. Then we will proceed out to Lindens and the Duffields. On the return trip we will take Konnowac Pass which is an absolutely stunning drive especially at apple blossom time. We should be home by sunset. If you have any questions contact Russ or Jane Armstrong
MaySwap meet May 4th at the Fairgrounds from 8AM to 6PM. Contact Roy Holmes. Moab tour May 12th. Contact Martha Shreve.
Canyon Lakes Manor, June 21st 6-8pm. Visit with the elderly residents and possibly give some rides. Barnard Griffin & Bookwalter wineries car show, 878 Tulip Lane & 710 S. Windmill Road. June 22nd before 10am. Contact Dennis Jackson for information. Circle Tour, June 29th leaving from the CBC parking lot at 9:30am sharp to Palouse Falls and Lyons Ferry Park. Lunch will be at Dayton's Wood Shed cafe'. Contact Dave or Jan Underwood @ 627-2820 before June 24th.
"River of Fire" show and shine, July 4th, 1-5pm, south end of Columbia Park, Kennewick. Come to the E. Keewaydin Park Senior Center, July 7th, 8:30 for breakfast and visit with the folks.
AugustBring your old cars to the Elder Day Care center on 10 N Washington in Kennewick on Friday August 16th from 11am to 1pm. Benton Franklin County Fair parade, August 17th, 9am, Kennewick, on 1st/4th in the school parking lot next to Food Pavilion. Lunch at Yale's afterwards. Pictures Bring your old cars to the Kennewick Senior Center Wednesday August 21st from 4:45 to 6:30 for a fish fry. A head count is needed. Contact Martha. Benton Franklin County Fair old car show at the fairgrounds Thursday August 22nd from 4-9pm.
SeptemberStates Day Parade in Prosser. Sept. 2nd. Meet at the gas station at the Benton City exit on I-82 at 7:30am. The parade starts at 10am.
OctoberNut picking tour October 19th, noon, starting at the TRAC building in Pasco. Hot dogs and other goodies will be available with proceeds going to the CBC Women's Resource Center. Call Audrey at 783-6681 for details.
NovemberApple Squeezin' trip. November 2nd at Vern and Martha Shreve's. Call Martha for details @ 582-7530.
DecemberFarm Machinery show. December 7th. Details pending. Christmas Party. Details pending. |